Hey friend, I'm so glad you're here! On this space you will find little pieces of my life, my favorite imagess and some of my photography tutorials! Take a cup or coffee or glass of wine and enjoy exploring around! Love, Kristin

welcome to my journal

Hey there, welcome


Do you remember what it was like to be a pre-tween/tween?  Stuck in limbo between no longer being a “little girl” and not quite a “young lady?”  Not quite ready to give up your American Girl Doll and definitely not ready for makeup and boys yet.

Let Them Be Little | Tween Session | Fisher, IL

Best Friends, Champaign, Children, Connection, Family, Illinois, Light, Love, Natural Light, Photography, Portraits, Tweens


“The most important thing a girl wears is her confidence”

Recently, I got to spend time with these 3 friends.  And I have to tell you folks, these are girls that are not afraid to be themselves, they root for each other – even when in direct competition with the other, and they are there when one needs a shoulder to cry on or a good laugh!  

Best Friends | Downtown Champaign Tween Session

Best Friends, Champaign, Children, Connection, Illinois, Natural Light, Photography, Portraits, Tweens


Glitter sessions are here!!  We are covering the studio with glitter, making it rain glitter, throwing glitter and anything else involving glitter on March 18, 2018.

Glitter Sessions | Child & Tween Photography | Fisher, IL

Champaign, Children, Connection, Family, High School, Light, Photography, Portraits, Seniors, Toddlers

©2025 kristin darling photography

serving families in Champaign - urbana & all of central illinois
