Hey friend, I'm so glad you're here! On this space you will find little pieces of my life, my favorite imagess and some of my photography tutorials! Take a cup or coffee or glass of wine and enjoy exploring around! Love, Kristin

welcome to my journal

Hey there, welcome


Do you remember what it was like to be a pre-tween/tween?  Stuck in limbo between no longer being a “little girl” and not quite a “young lady?”  Not quite ready to give up your American Girl Doll and definitely not ready for makeup and boys yet.

Let Them Be Little | Tween Session | Fisher, IL

Best Friends, Champaign, Children, Connection, Family, Illinois, Light, Love, Natural Light, Photography, Portraits, Tweens

103 N. FIRST ST.
FISHER, IL 61843

©2025 kristin darling photography

serving families in Champaign - urbana & all of central illinois
