Hey friend, I'm so glad you're here! On this space you will find little pieces of my life, my favorite imagess and some of my photography tutorials! Take a cup or coffee or glass of wine and enjoy exploring around! Love, Kristin

welcome to my journal

Hey there, welcome


I have always wanted to look forward to the new adventure that is on its way. That is how I approach each new phase and stage of my children’s lives.

The Best is Yet to Come | Champaign, IL

Babies, Children, Connection, Family, Love, Newborns

Newborn baby with parents mom in floral dress


There is no doubt this lucky baby boy is surrounded by and abundance of love!  His mommy and daddy were so attentive to his every need, and grandma and grandpa couldn’t get enough of their sweet new grandson!

Gianluca | Newborn Baby Boy | Savoy, IL

Babies, Champaign, Childbirth, Children, Connection, Family, Illinois, Love, Maternity, Newborns, Photography, Portraits, Pregnancy


 Newborn sessions should be all about baby with simple, timeless images that will always remind you how your baby slept with his hand by his mouth, or how tiny those little sweet features were. There is not much to say about it other than babies are beautiful just as they are!  I love to let the light and shadows tell a story that captures the innocence of your newborn child. 


Babies, Champaign, Childbirth, Children, Connection, Family, Illinois, Light, Marriage, Maternity, Newborns, Photography, Portraits, Pregnancy


Meet, Joanna, Katie & Ben’s little pink bundle of joy!  Look at all that hair and perfect porcelain baby skin!  Ah!  I just love newborn babies! Jonna’s mommy & daddy gave me free reign when selecting props, blankets, headbands etc…for the session.  Sticking true to my love of neutral and muted tones and simple set […]

Joanna | Neutral + Pink Newborn Session | Champaign County, IL

Babies, Champaign, Childbirth, Children, Connection, Family, Illinois, Love, Newborns, Photography


The glow of an expectant mother is only closely rivaled by the glow of the “golden hour sun.”  They are both magical in their own special way.  One glows with the promise and hope of new life, and the other with the hope and promise of a beautiful evening and the promise and hope of a new day to come.

Suzy | Styled Maternity Session | Golden Hour | Champaign County

Babies, Champaign, Illinois, Light, Love, Newborns, Photography, Portraits


When Kristin contacted me about photographing her newborn boy, Callen, I was so excited!  Newborn sessions are among my favorite, and Fresh 48 sessions in the hospital, are no exception.  Many times these sessions are taken to capture the first moments that older siblings meet their new baby brother or sister, and their reactions can be priceless!  Big sis Jocelyn had met her new brother the day before, but today she was getting to spend a bit more time with him during our session.  She was very curious about him, and understandably hesitant to share her mom.

Callen | Fresh 48 | Carle Hospital | Champaign, IL

Babies, Champaign, Childbirth, Children, Family, Illinois, Love, Maternity, Natural Light, Newborns, Photography, Portraits, Toddlers

©2025 kristin darling photography

serving families in Champaign - urbana & all of central illinois
